Young children who learn a second language tend to have superior reading, writing, analytical and social skills, as well as more extensive vocabularies than their monolingual peers, according to multiple studies.
Help your child flourish
Early foreign language development in children is no longer considered a luxury. It contributes to a young child’s cognitive development and also offers an advantage in the future of our global marketplace.
Award-winning filmmaker and mom Julia Pimsleur Levine created Little Pim to fill a need in the children’s video market for a top-quality, language-learning video series. Working with a team of filmmakers, animators, childhood development experts, linguists and an advising neuroscientist, Pimsleur Levine invested three years in the development of the most comprehensive language courses designed specifically for young children.
With Little Pim, you can now take full advantage of your young child’snatural proclivity for learning languages. For more information about kids’ language learning, see What scientists say.
interesting post! thank you so much for your nice comment :)
回覆刪除Thanks for sharing, language is number one for our kids :))